Friday, January 16, 2009

sketchdump ;p

I like sketchdumps, they make me feel more accomplished about all my unfinished sketches. hehe.

ps, some of these will be properly done. the robot killer thing especially


Anonymous said...

Hi, man I've just found your comment on my practicing blog 'cos I wasn't there for a little time :P...

Man you have a cool gallery, and it's good that you are so alternative about the animation art, I've got some feeling 'bout the modern animation too and it's bad feelings... I'm also not a fan of 3d animation, I like their sketches etc. but 3d lost something, what was so important for the art of animation. It is without emotion and soul... For me... I'm a big fan of 2d animation my favourite is 'Triplletes from Belleville'.
I hope I will find a good traditional animation course at the polish animation school...

So cheers up and keep this awesome skill up! :D

Justin said...

agreed man, cheers
Triplletes from Belleville? cant say Iv seen that one, but ill defiantly give it watch now- thanks for the compliments, ill be sure to keep with your work as well.

Emad Zedan said...


I like your style, please visit my blog and comment my drawings.
