Friday, March 30, 2012


Life has been busy these days, allow me to tell you about it:
Finally got around to shattering Batman. My life used to revolve around this legend, so I've put off painting anything until I have a solid idea that will hopefully do bats justice. I went for a more iconic/logo-esq solution here, but plan 0n doing something more detailed and less abstract down the line.

Quakers the duck (childrens book I've been chipping away at) is almost ready to hit the printers- couple of weeks left, and I'll have published 2 books in less than a year :)

Did an interview with a local Author last night (just for good practice for the both of us, and to cross promote our work etc) I recommend following his tumblr account, if nothing else for the copious amount of nerdily amazing tees he's been collecting. Once he's got the full article posted I'll do a more detailed post as well.

tried my damndest to get an Artist Alley table at AnimeNorth in Toronto- but tables sold out in minutes (seconds even), and I haven't found anyone willing to share, so that's a no -go for this year. It boggles my mind that I can get tables at San Diago, New York and the Fan Expo etc, (the biggest Cons in North America) without a hint of a problem... but tables at almost any Anime con I've looked into are next to impossible to procure. somethings amiss with that. explain.

Myself and MY NEW BANNERSTAND are off to Vancouver Comic Expo, and Calgary Expo soon... less than a month away. holy crap, just typing that out just made me more frantic and stressed about everything that needs to be done in the next couple weeks.
New pieces I plan to have done for those shows include:

Optimus Prime vs Megatron (70% done)
not showing you everything yet...

Shadow of the Colossus piece (15% done)

Carnage piece (2.9% done)
i've researched stuff... nothing to show yet