Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Comic Con 09

Hey! Winnipeg comic con is over! and wow, what a great time, over 20,000 visitors!!
Met some great artists, saw some fantastic costumes, MET ADAM WEST!(wohoo he liked the comic i drew for him) all and all it was pretty awesome. Can't wait till next year.

hmm, things for next year would be:
• Bring a friend along to watch/help with your table (otherwise you kinda get stuck all day)
• Get your prints done early! I crashed office depots computers twice the morning of the con... it was a stressful morning...
• funny stuff sells. more humorous comics for next year...
• take more time to walk around. I hardly got a chance to scope out all there was to see!
• and trade as much art as you can with other artists! i really wish i had grabbed more artwork from other talents!

1 comment:

Justin said...

also- have a whack of small $1,$2,$3 pieces, lots of people had spare change, and weren't looking to spend over 5$ for artwork.