Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More cons please...

Winnipeg's Comic con 09 was a resounding success for me in the artist alley!
I made back all my printing/supplies costs, met some great artists, traded some artwork, chatted with Adam West. It was quite a hectic week or two leading up to the event (I managed to crash office depot's system x2 with some large pdfs, lol), but very much worth it.

I want to attend more. one a year does not give me my fix.

I've already signed up for the Calgary con , am looking into a couple in Ontario, Toronto, and maybe head down to either Fargo or Minneapolis for theirs...

I also currently working on a mascot contest for Winnipeg's Anime Con
I'll upload my gal soon, and i gotta say, she's looking fairly anime-mascot-ish.

stay classy you art wizards.

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